Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How to monitor your Stocks and Mutual Funds

One way to monitor your investments in Stocks and Mutual Funds is to have a Bloomberg.com account. You can create watchlists and label them (Long Term, Short Term, Mutual Fund, Mobile, etc.). 

Watchlists can track gains, loses and performance over time.


2. Complete the registration form to create your account.

3. Sign-in after your successful registration.

4. After you signed in, go to Watchlist.

5. To add your stocks or Mutual Fund, click Add Positions.

6. For example, I want to add JFC (Jollibee Food Corp). In Bloomberg, Philippine Companies have a suffix :PM, for example JFC:PM.

7. JFC is now added in you watchlist.
8. After you added your stocks, go to "Edit" then "Add New Lot".
9. Add Date, Position and Price.
10. Then, Save Changes.

Learn to Earn.

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