Monday, December 23, 2013

Online Enrollment for your BDO Savings Account

Have a BDO Savings Account by visiting one of the nearest branches in the Philippines. It took me around 1 hour to open an account in Iloilo branch (a lot of clients that time).

As an OFW, it is an advantage for us to have our savings account enrolled and linked in Internet Banking provided by the banks (that's for free). This is to facilitate our online transactions (fund transfer, remittance, pay bills, fund investments, etc).

The following are the steps for enrolling your account online:

1. Open your Savings Account (as an OFW, I opened the BDO Kabayan Savings Account. Refer here for for more info).

2. When ready to enroll online, go to

3. Hover your mouse pointer to the upper right of the page and click "Not yet enrolled? Enroll Now."

4.  Fill up all the required fields in the form and submit.

5. You need to print a copy of the "BDO Quick Enrollment Acknowledgement" page and bring it to the bank where your account is maintained OR visit to one of the any ATM machines and activate your enrollment there. Don't forget to copy the activation code as you will need it in the ATM machine. Instructions will be emailed to you also including the Activation Code.

6. After Activating, you will receive an email again stating that you can start accessing your account and do banking transactions 24 hrs after receiving such email notification.

Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year.

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